Andorra and China: 25 years of bilateral relations

Andorra’s head of government, Xavier Espot, received a delegation from China in July, accompanied by his ambassador Lyu Fan. Take note  that China was one of the first countries to sign a bilateral treaty with the Principality of Andorra and during this meeting the good diplomatic and labor relations that still remain are noted.

In the economic sphere, the commercial volume between both countries in 2018 has increased substantially compared to the previous year. Imports of Chinese products were 46.6% higher than the previous year and imports of Andorran products by China rose 40.7%. These numbers show that growth is stable and fast.

It should be noted that the Chinese high-tech company Huawei is the one that has supplied the Wi-Fi connection in different public places in Andorra la Vella and, together with Andorra Telecom, they are responsible for the installation of the optical fiber.

Another point discussed at this meeting was the interest of China to participate in the construction of the new international airport in Andorra, a project that the Chamber of Commerce is supporting, and which costs more than 500 million euros.

Andorran Minister Jordi Gallardo said that these 25 years of transparency and collaboration between the two countries predict a great future. Topics such as the mutual visa exemption between the two countries and also the recognition of university degrees were also discussed.